Sunday, September 11, 2011

The P Family

I love doing family photo shoots! These parents are awesome and the kids were such a hoot. The kids were a little shy at first, but after a few of my bad jokes they loosened up. Then Mister D let his own funny jokes fly and before we knew it we were all cracking up together. Definitely a good way to spend a summer evening. Hope you guys enjoy your sneak peek. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The E Family

 I had a great time photographing this family. All the love and chaos was so much fun to be around. The kids were so cute with each other and it was fun to see the way they all interacted together and with their parents. How fun to have so many siblings - and yes, the parents have their hands full, in a good way.  :) Hope you guys enjoy your sneak peek.